Thursday, April 23, 2009

Subconsciously Self Conscience

The school closed all of the dining commons because of some big culinary event, "Taste of UMass", at the Mullins Center. By the time I got there I was really hungry and fairly aggravated that I couldn't just get a simple meal in a dining common adjacent to my down just like I would any other evening. Basically what they did was fill the biggest sports arena on campus with free food kiosks. I ended up getting a subpar piece of pizza, a coke, and a large delicious pita pocket. A hot dog eating contest ran on the side stage. They didn't announce the winner of the eating contest by the time I finished eating. I stood around for a few minutes and then realized that I didn't care, so I left. Sometimes I forgot that there are some things in life that don't matter at all (specifically the results of eating contests).

Pepsi released this advertisement in a magazine in Germany a while back. The caption reads: "One very very lonely calorie." It looks like the beaver is assisting in at least one of the several suicide attempts. The smile on his face makes me wonder if he wasn't the one to talk the calorie into suicide in the first place. The raped landscape reminds me of The Lorax.

My class is cancelled tomorrow so my weekend started this afternoon. This just opens my schedule up to all kinds of procrastination.

Top Five Favorite Means of Procrastination:
1. Cup of coffee.
2. Just one more game of tetris.
3. Impulsive bathroom breaks/showering
4. Oh yeah...I forgot to watch this weeks episode of Breaking Bad/Gossip Girl/etc.
5. I have no cash. I should walk to CVS and get a Kit Kat bar and then get $10 cash back. Maybe I should take the long way so I don't have to walk by the homeless guy that is always asking me for money...

Speak easy,

1 comment:

kat(hryn) said...


Also, that might be the best ad I've ever seen. brb have to go buy pepsi now.

Lastly, I wish I warned you about how bad the Taste of Umass is. It makes me feel like a lonely calorie.