For Christmas one of my friends gave me two 12 x 12 picture frames so that I could hang two of my vinyl records on my wall. The problem? The frames were too small. It turned out that frames must be 12.5 x 12.5 to accommodate your records. Instead of returning them, I decided to wait until I found a good alternative use for them.
Two weeks later I found this really great art calender for $5 (after the new year they pretty much give them away). Using the cardboard insert from the frames, I was able to cut the images from the calendar and fit them into the extra frames fairly easily. Here is a step-by-step for any curious parties.
1. Remove staples from calendar and separate the desired sheet. You will also want to make sure you have a 12 x 12 piece of cardboard, a marker, and scissors.
2. Using the cardboard insert as a guide, use a marker to trace lines on the top and bottom of the desired image. This is by far the hardest part. Make sure that the empty space above the image and below the image are equally spaced (this is tricky). You will also want to lean both the image sheet and the cardboard guide against a straight piece of wood in order to get your lines straight. Take your time, if you mess this up you could mess up the whole print. Repeat this process with the left and right sides as well.
3. Cut straight along the marked lines.
4. Once you have finished cutting out your 12 x 12 image, you can now place it in the frame.
5. Finally, hang the artwork in a desired location.
The best part is that I still have ten extra prints that I can switch out of the frames whenever I want.
Speak easy,
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