Monday, December 22, 2008

Don't throw the baby out...

Michael and I went into a toy store yesterday and found that it was just filled with miserable adults.

Sometimes when I hear a song for the first time I imagine that someone I really trust has just popped the disc into the car stereo and revealed to me that the song that is about to play is their favorite. There have been a few occasions where one of my close friends has persisted that there is more to a given song than what I initially see. Sometimes you'll see more, sometimes you won't.

In an earlier blog I talked about my plan for my future and how my expectations change drastically over time. Recently I have had second thoughts about going to Europe to teach English as a second language. There are many other things that I would like to do besides living in a different country, but that is not to say that these things are mutually exclusive. We can't truly piece together where we are going until we have pieced together what we already have. This is sort of what I am doing now. Recently I listened to an interview with musician Ben Folds, and he said that he didn't release a full length record until he was 28 years old. This gives me some hope that I have plenty of time to clear a path for myself.

If I had to choose a path right now it would consist of a lot of labor intensive work, followed by a lot of traveling. At some point I would like to see America, Japan, and New Zealand. After that I think I will pursue my hobbies (music, writing, animation) while maintaining a job that I don't hate. Somewhere down the line I'll find a wife and have a conventional family with a dog and a house and a garden with weeds and footprints. Maybe I will do a lot of planning without a whole lot of execution.

For the last few days I have been pretty sick. I can't say that I know what it feels like to go through Chemotherapy, but I'm sure it must be terrible.

You are only as clean as the water you bathe in.

Speak easy,

1 comment:

Selina said...

Seeing this title made me think of Mr. Wray and all his deeply intellectual sayings. Sometimes I miss high school. In thinking about the future, it makes me think of my quote from our high school yearbook- "The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly one you can never have." -Soren Kirkegaard.

Looking back and thinking about what we though we wanted can be sad and depressing at times, but live and let live!!
